Over the last year I have converted an old thick-walled barn in Dorset into a new sculpting studio. I will continue to work in my London Studio but will use this new larger space in Dorset for projects that require more room.
This three-sided building hasn't been in the best of shape, and it's long been my goal to turn it into a studio that I can use regularly.
It's been a satisfying few months over lockdown seeing progress. Here's the space before work began:

The most important (and expensive) stage of this project was putting in a new flat floor that can take the weight of heavy sculptures. I set to work digging out the old rubble and stone myself, creeping under the beams in the 2 tonne digger and dragging enough stone out to provide room for foundations.

Found this fossil during the dig...

Laying the foundations...

Hired my mate Bean to help build an entrance door and insulated interior walls...

The build is almost complete and I'm looking forward to sharing pictures of the first sculpting projects in this new space.